I got reply from my supervisor yesterday. Hence, it make me totally out of world. Even I don't know what is my doubt about the topic. Thinking as I have got back my old disease--> BLUR!
This i am quoting from his email :
Dear Raziedah,
assalamua alaykum.
upon reading your preliminary thought, i feel you need to slightly modify your line of thinking. instead of telling "STUDY ON MALAYSIAN COMPANIES TURN-AROUND IN MANAGE & REINVEST FOR TECHNOLOGY", you can think in this direction: role of technological resources in devising and implementing turn-around strategies: Malaysian cases.
here, you will have to
1. identify some (perhaps, successfu) turn-around cases of malaysian companies [selecting cases from at least two types of company will be a very good idea for comparison]
2. investigate how technological resources were used for turning around in different cases;
3. based on the investigation of 2nd point you can identify similarities and dissimilarities of technological roles across different cases and companies
think through these lines and see what you can do.
Hahahahahakz... anyone understand this?
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